Information Diffusion in Online Social Networks
- Examine the spatiotemporal characteristics that exist in social media data to predict information diffusion in social online networks. Coded in Python.
- Created system for the automatic download of Twitter data which handles API limits, errors, and automatic recovery in case of failure
- Implemented efficient storage/retrieval of 100+ GBs of Tweet/User data
- Coded algorithms for: determining active follower relationships, retweet user’s influence, and analyzing user engagement.
- Wrote system for determining a Tweet’s geo-location
- Implemented efficient algorithms for generating matrices from the data
- Wrote documentation on the structure and use of the system
- Trained & guided a group of students into the use of the system and implementation of new algorithms
- Mobile application designed to automatically identify a case of cyber bullying by exploiting the social media data available.
- Implemented iOS device app using Obj-C and Facebook API
- Implemented the UI for displaying results, resources, alerts and login
- Coded the model/controller for the UI to ensure responsiveness
- Worked on learning module to identify cases of bullying
- Web based application for learning database queries using blocks.
- Implemented a highly dynamic GUI using only JavaScript and HTML
- Wrote parser to handle complex queries
- Designed & Implemented the project website
- Research into the implementation of a physical database operator for similarity-aware queries which enables more imprecise and approximate results rather than exact semantics. Use cases in data cleaning, data warehousing, sensor networks, marketing analysis, etc.
• Studied different techniques in the state of the art similarity joins
• Redesigned an index based algorithm to efficiently handle multi-predicate queries on any dataset in a metric space
• Worked on a C/C++ implementation on a standalone database
Penetration Testing Competition (March 2014)
2nd place
Covered: securing a Linux server, retrieving Windows passwords, packet logs, memory dump logs
Class Projects
Android Wi-Fi Scanner
Java RMI
HBase Email
Hadoop Map/Reduce
Independent Study